A Fun Weekend: The weekend before Valentine's Day we took Landon out for a little fun on the town. We went bowling, which Scott and I really enjoyed, but Landon was not quite fond of. He didn't care for the noise but slowly toward the end was tolerating it better. Scott and I used to go bowling all the time in high school. At BYU-I we even took a bowling class together. So fun. Anyway, after bowling it was super sunny and warm outside (37 degrees), so we went to the park. Landon had a ball. He loved the swing!

Landon wasn't really interested in getting a good picture in his V-day onesie from G & G Winn, but he was interested in the candy corn. (Look at those chunky legs!)

A Perfect Toy: One of Landon's all-time favorite toys is the Wii controller. He loves that darn thing. Its got a nice strap for holding, it blinks when you push the buttons, the squishy top is perfect for chewing. What more could a baby ask for? (Other "toys" Landon is fond of include our big orange plastic colander and my debit/credit cards.)

Bedtime: Every night before bed I read Landon, Goodnight Moon. He sits nicely (this is such a rare phenomenon), turns the pages, and interjects a squeal of approval/exciting here and there. The other night Scott read to him and I couldn't resist snapping some cute picts. Of course as soon as he heard the camera click he was instantly distracted from the book.

8 Months: It's amazing how many new things Landon can do each day. He is learning/changing/growing so fast. He has been cruising for a couple months now but is getting really good at it. Now he pulls himself up to stand on everything, even things with no grip (doors and walls), but is able to do it! Now that he is crawling, when he's finished playing with a toy he leaves and goes in search of another. Many times Landon will hear Scott talking in his office and wander in to say, hello. (Well, more accurately, to say mama.)
He is getting more and more picky about his food. Loves his sweet potatoes, butternut squash and pears. Everything else, especially veggies he won't eat very much of. I've tried making his food a little chunkier but he just spits it out. He finally tried a Mum cracker after watching me pretend to eat them for a few days, but once again, not a big fan. Just yesterday Scott got him to drink out of his sippy cup and you could tell Landon was pretty dang proud of himself.
When I go get Landon out of his crib after a nap he is always sitting up or standing. So weird to get used to! And usually he is crying and saying mamamama which makes it more sad/cute.
I had been wanting to do 6 month picts of Landon but as you can see, we were a few months late getting those done. I think we got a good mix of the many faces of Landon... (he did NOT want to go in that suitcase.)

Music: Landon (and I) love listening to music. Pandora is amazing. Some random songs that I'm into right now are...
1. Sleepyhead by Passion Pit
2. You and I by Ingrid Michaelson
3. Rhythm of Love by Plain White T's
So now that your private I don't get your updates! I feel so behind on your life now! I did catch up and I just melt when I see pictures of Landon. He is so cute! He is so expressive and I love it. I love the Valentines picture of Landon crying and you so excited-ha! Your new place is so clean and organized--I love that about you! Glad to see you are doing so well :)
lovelovelovelovelove the baby photo shoot! so amazing. :)
I LOVE The Rhythm of Love! Plain White T's were here in Spokane a couple of weeks ago - I wanted to go really badly!
Love the blog update - cute Valentine onesie if I do say so myself!!
I laughed so hard at some of those pictures of Landon! What a great, expressive face!
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