So I just found out our ward has a garden and you can get a 25 x 25 foot plot in it. Score! I have never gardened before but have always wanted to. Obviously I won't be planting any time soon but where do I even begin? What should I plant or not plant? I know I want tomatoes, snap peas, strawberries, squash, etc... but what supplies do I need? Ideas? Advice from you experts out there?
And Strawberries.
Just kidding. But seriously you should plant tomatoes, strawberries, snap peas, spinach, and squash.
With all my love,
Uncle Heath
Hey I signed up for a garden plot too! We should do it together! I have never gardened, so I won't be much help, but we could figure it out together.
Check out www.vineyardgardencenter.com Its a great website that we've put together. Also feel free to stop by Vineyard Garden Center in Orem. We'd LOVE to help you get started :) Now's a great time to come in and ask questions and start planning!!
I have no suggestions, but I'm proud of you!
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