February 1, 2012

Christmas in Washington (Part 1)

My new goal is to stop procrastinating all the things I've been putting off for weeks or even months and just DO them. #1: Post our stinkin' Christmas break pictures.

We drove (gasp!) to Washington for the holidays. 16 hours (without stops, snow in passes, or a toddler on board.) Thankfully Landon did heaps better than I thought he would and we made it in a couple days. We spent the first week with my family and (as pictured below) went to the apple cider mill, a tree farm, the park, and just enjoyed playing with the little guy. Landon loved the park behind my parents house. We were surprised to find that all the toys had been replaced with crazy new ones. We also went to a super fun children's museum but I'll need to get those photos off my camera...

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