For New Years weekend we took a jaunt up to Rexburg, ID to meet up with Scott's fam. It was really fun to hang out with everyone and so nice for them to see Landon but in Scott's words, "We are
never going anywhere with Landon again." It was just REALLY hard having him off his normal schedule for naps and bedtime, not to mention the 5 hour drive there and back. Probably should have tried getting him to sleep in the pack and play sometime before the trip, then maybe he would have been more into it... oh well.
Today was Landon's 6 month appointment. Here are his stats:
16 lbs, 14 oz. (26th percentile - he has typically been in the 50th, so we are going to up the amount of solids he is on. He has actually only gained 1 lb in the last two months even though it sure feels like more. Our pediatrician said not to worry, he definitely hasn't been going hungry! He looks healthy and is doing well.)
27.5 in (73rd percentile)
17.25 in head circumference (40th percentile)
That's about it... happy New Year everyone!
He definitely looks like a healthy guy! I was just about to say he looked chubby.:)
I also just found out that Scott knows my brother-in-law Caleb. What a small world!
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