The other night we were all sitting on the bed listening to Scott play guitar. Landon is so fascinated by the guitar! Anyway, Landon was laying on his tummy and I started rubbing his back and he just went totally limp, rested his head, spread out his arms and legs, and laid there for a half an hour while I scratched/massaged his little baby body. It was the cutest thing!
Landon is such a BOY. He loves computers (keyboards), phones, and Scott's camera. He particularly likes to "help" out when we are trying to do something on the computer. However, he does get a little rough and now my laptop is missing one of the arrow keys. (Let me clarify; I know where it is, it's just no longer attached to the keyboard.)

On Landon's half birthday we went to the Enchanted Gingerbread Forest at the Grand America in Salt Lake City. It was so cool!! It was around 7:30pm on a weekday so there was really no one there. Very quiet and peaceful with many beautiful lights and displays. Landon was in heaven! He was just babbling and giggling and having so so much fun!

Since Black Friday, I have been working here and there on Landon's stocking. I wasn't planning on making one but after unsuccessfully trying to find one I liked, I decided why not? So I went to Joanns and bought some fabric, a little snowman, and a hanging decoration with various Christmasy things on it. I cut those out and hand-stitched them to the front of the stocking, along with the letters of his name. For not following any pattern, and pretty much winging it as I went along, I think it turned out well! I forgot how much I LOVE doing crafty things!!

Homemade Stocking (Mini How-To)
- Fabric (I used fleece in two colors)
- Felt
- Embroidery Floss
- Decorations (Mine were cut out from a Christmas banner)
- Old Stocking (Optional to use as a template)
- Trace the old stocking leaving 1/4 in seam allowance.
- Sew the top and bottom second color fabric to the stocking. (Mine is the white.) I made the top extra long so I could just fold it over on the inside.
- Decorate the front however you wish! I cut his name out from green felt and hand stitched it on using doubled over embroidery floss. Then I cut out some Christmas icons (snowflake, santa, reindeer) from a Christmas banner. I hand-stitched these on just like the letters. I also bought a little snowman and sewed that on the middle.
- Put right sides together and sew the stocking up.
- Fill with Christmas goodies!
you guys are the cutest parents :)
I love his stocking! He is such a little cutie.
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