Landon's Toy: (Although who knew adults could get so excited over baby toys!) This is his Rainforest Jumperoo. I found it used on KSL for half the price of a new one and I didn't have to wait for shipping! It's in perfect condition too! So, after washing everything, Landon took a go in it. For a while he just held onto one of the toys for dear life, then he finally let go and just sat curiously watching the blinking lights. I can't wait till he figures out he can jump in it! This thing is great - the seat rotates 360 degrees to easily reach the 5 toy stations with all kinds of spinning, noise-making toys. It's motion-activated so I can either have the lights and music going constantly, or they can be activated only if Landon touches certain toys. It has rainforest animals hanging down he can bat at, three different height settings, and it folds up. AWESOME.

My Toy: This is the Mei Tai that FINALLY arrived in the mail. (They are custom order, you can choose from hundreds of fabrics and around 10 different strap colors.) It's amazing! So comfortable and I love being able to have two hands again. :) I spent months researching and talking to people about babywearing. This is a great carrier and can be used all the way up to toddler age. He can also be worn on my back (although I haven't tried it yet). This is one of the most comfortable for baby and mom. (Some are not good for your back or for baby because of how he hangs.) You might not be able to tell but Landon is totally zonked out. He slept for over an hour in there while I got stuff done around the house.
Landon is so dang cute. I love those jumping things they are a lifesaver. We really need to have you guys over!!!!
I love my Mei Tai carrier! I still use it with M (23 months old) especially shopping when he is cranky. Babywearing is great!
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